Dear Stalker (Resources)

In conjunction with my latest music video “Dear Stalker”, I had a heart-to-heart with Bihzhu on Instagram Live on sexual harassment, and discussed about how we can all help one another.

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Quick notes I took from the sharing:

  1. First step to recovery:
    • Accept and acknowledge that whatever happened was not your fault.
  2. Healing journey:
    • Everyone’s journey is different, take it at your own pace
  3. Speak up only when you’re comfortable and if it helps with your own healing.
  4. To have a voice is a privilege. Use it for good, it may have a ripple effect.
  5. Take care of yourself first.
  6. How to be a better ally:
    • Always ask what the survivor needs first. Then, seek for ways to meet their needs.
    • Listen without judgement.
    • Be empathetic.
    • Don’t merely help in order to boost our own egos.
  7. Both men and women are victims of toxic masculinity and victim blaming.
  8. Sexual harassment do not discriminate, it can happen to anyone regardless of circumstance.
  9. Educating kids as young as 3-5 years old about good touch and bad touch
  10. When people around you failed to help, seek professional’s support.
  11. Abusers and predators need to work hard on changing their behaviour with professional help.

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Click on “Read more” for the transcript of the highlights.

Read more

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Song list:

Read Straw’s Story

Read Bihzhu’s story

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Resources mentioned (Malaysia based):

Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO)

  • Website:
  • Hotline: +60379563488 (24 hours)
  • SMS/WhatsApp TINA: +60189888058 (24 hours)
    TINA stands for Think I Need Aid

All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)

Survivors Resource (MY)

Good Sex Ed by June Low

The Red Clinic

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Other resources (stay tune for updates, feel free to share in the comments if you’ve any):

Support Bihzhu and Straw on Bandcamp in conjunction of #BandcampFriday:

1. Bandcamp waives 15% revenue on the first Friday of every month for 24 hours (according to your time zones).

2. Contributions above 10USD will receive a complementary physical album. (Applicable to Straw’s music only)

3. 10% of sales will be donated to charity. (Applicable to Straw’s music only) 

Purchase Bihzhu and Straw’s Merchandise:

1. Bihzhu’s Stickers

2. Straw’s Masks

♡ Forever grateful for your support.